Work Cited

Work Cited:

Figure 6.18, 6.14, 6.12, and most of the key concepts were taken from:
        Brennan, Scott R., and Jay Withgott. Environment: The Science behind the Stories. 4th ed. San Francisco: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, 2005. Print.

 Taylor, Leslie. The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs: A Guide to Understanding and Using Herbal Medicinals. Garden City Park, NY: Square One, 2005. Print.

Adventure Lab. "The Countries with the Ten Biggest Ecological Footprints Per Person." The Outside Blog, 21 May 2012. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.

Robbins, Jim. "NEWS ANALYSIS; Man-Made Epidemics." The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 July 2012. Web. 06 Dec. 2012.

Carter, Jimmy, Mr. President. "Confidence Speech." Crisis of Confidence. Washington D.C. 15 July 1979. Speech.

NOAA. "Value of Coral Ecosystems." NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program: Values. NOAA, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2012.

Greater Yellowstone Science Learning Center. "A Brief History of Science in Yellowstone." Greater Yellow Stone Science. Greater Yellowstone Science Learning Center, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2012.

Howard, Brian Clark. "The 10 Greenest Presidents in U.S. History." The Daily Green. N.p., 15 Aug. 2010. Web. 08 Dec. 2012.

Madjd-Sadjadi,, Zagros, Ph.D. "The "steady State" Economy Does Not Imply Zero Economic Growth | Energy Bulletin." The "steady State" Economy Does Not Imply Zero Economic Growth | Energy Bulletin. N.p., 28 Feb. 2011. Web. 08 Dec. 2012.

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