Monday, December 10, 2012

Deforestation And Our Economy

Deforestation is a huge problem in America today, but we would not have advanced as far we are today without it. Still we are now just learning the importance of the problem. Well over two thirds of all rainforest plants have cancer fighting properties, and over one fourth of all our cancer fighting drugs have ingredients from those plants. According to Leslie Taylor, author of The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, “Worldwide sales of these plant-based drugs were estimated at 40 billion in 1990.” That is just an added perk; however, the main concern by most for the rainforest is its positive impact on the atmosphere by replacing CO2 with O2back. When trees are cut down not only do they no longer provide us with clean air but the Carbon absorbed by them is released back into the atmosphere. This focus is very important to America because of rainforests in Puerto Rico, Guam, and even Hawaii, yet only one forest is protected. Other nations have now started compensating nations to replace the profits they would generate if they plowed down the rainforest for agriculture that year in return for the rainforests safety. Norway has set aside one billion dollars for this cause. Right now, these nations have the ultimate leverage against other countries and the only way to be less involved is to reduce our carbon emissions in general. Fortunately, we are nation that can plant trees almost everywhere and protect the ones we have.  

(How much we pay every year to protect other resources)

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