Monday, December 10, 2012

Coral's Importance

 Another problem is ocean acidification; with the excess amounts of COin the atmosphere more CO2 is put into the ocean which results in ocean acidification. Ocean Acidification leads to coral bleaching and other ecosystems damage.  The NOAA places coral’s value at about 29.8 billion per year. Coral reefs' fate is very questionable they could be easily eradicated in the next twenty years. Coral reefs provide the US with about 360 million dollars in benefits per year from just Hawaii alone.  With the loss of the reefs, we could lose all the species that rely on them. One species, Horseshoe Crabs are not only a huge food source but they also serve a scientific purpose. The Horseshoe Crab’s blue blood is used for testing and the making of antibiotics, cancer medication, and even AIDS medication. 

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