Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Over Fishing And The Cost That Comes With It

        One of America's problems affecting today's economy is over-harvesting. In America, producers utilize a system called "maximum sustain yield," which is a method of taking the most of a resource possible while still sustaining the population. This method would work but unfortunately it does not take into account the fact that the species are part of an ecosystem. These problems occur in over-fishing where the adult fish are taken from the population leaving the juvenile fish to defend themselves. These juvenile fish are now the prey of other older species. Year after year less fish are available for the fishermen. This decline not only could result in us losing a species but also the loss of an industry. This could be very detrimental to the economy. This is why countries have started to add an ecological price on resources as opposed to just an economic value. they realize their resources are not infinite. Industrialized fishing also hurts species in another way called by-catches. A by-catch is when an unintended species gets caught and usually dies in a net or trap.

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