Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Future And Its Uncertainties

        Air pollution might be the environmental issue any industrialized country will face. Global climate change is happening, regardless of whether we think humans have involvement or not. It now is just a matter of whether or not we will continue to exploit resources, or try to create a strong environment by focus more legislation and spending on it now. We simply cannot just pass the problem off to next generation letting it grow in cost and severity.  President Carter said it best, “Every act of energy conservation like this is more than just common sense – I tell you it is an act of patriotism.”

(Exploded Hydraulic Fracking Device used for fossil fuels)

(An Explosion Like Chernobyl could cost America even more than Hurricane Katrina did which is over 250 billion, and Cesium is still being found in Russian exports to this day)

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