Monday, December 10, 2012

Can We Wait?

America has to face the sad truth that we are trillions of dollars in debt and countries economically need us less and less. In addition we have less to offer each year if we keep up the same environmental disregard. We used to be the undisputed leader of industrialization. Now countries are becoming less interdependent and more self sufficient than ever, with sustainability as their goal. America is still trying to make a transition from inter-to intra-dependence. There is good news; however, now more than ever species are being looked at for not only their economic value, but for their scientific value in America. The importance of conservation and biodiversity is on the rise. America has also started to look for greener alternative sources of energy and other ways to try and break the inter-dependency on oil. 

(Jobs created and jobs to be created estimate)
People tend to overlook is the creation of thousands of new jobs by this new green initiatives, and just think of it as new taxes. 

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